www.healthypages.co.uk : the uk webs biggest site for complementary therapists and events.
www.starchildascension.org : for those interested in personal and planetary ascension.
www.felicitygabrielhypnotherapy.co.uk : heart-centered hypnotherapy.
www.crystalskullenlightenment.co.uk : crystal skull transformational workshops and therapy.
www.dailyom.com : inspirational and awareness raising site.
www.eraofpeace.org : a website dedicated to planetary and personal peace and transformation.
www.marionwebb-desisto.com : reiki,crystal healing ,crystal skulls,bach flower remedies and more......
www.nasa.gov : the website of the american space agency - amazing pics.
www.bbc.co.uk : the website of the beeb-for news and entertainment.
www.spiritualmediablog.com : the place to read spiritual blogs
www.eat2012.co.uk : the place for earth awareness and transformation.